Business Missions

Ipanema Investments mission to the City of Shiyan, Hubei Province, headquarters of Dongfeng Motors, biggest truck producer of the world.

During the mission were signed agreements in the railway, steel, energy and automotive áreas;

Ipanema mission to Wuhan and Shiyan Cities to visit manufactoring facilities as well as to sing cooperation agreements.

During this same trip were also signed cooperation agreements in Beijing for the railway and oil & gas areas.

Chinese mission to São Paulo, Brazil, hosted by Ipanema. During the mission were signed several agréments for investments in Brazil. Business mans from both countries and Oficials from both São Paulo and Hubei Governments witnessed the ceremony;

Chinese mission to Brazil to secure investments in the automotive area. Meeting held at Anfavea Headquarters (Brazilian National Association of vehicles manufacturers).

Chinese mission to Minas Gerais State to agreements signature and discussions to install a factory in Minas Gerais State. Meeting held at the Minas State Government Headquarters;

Mission coordinated by Ipanema held in Hubei Province Government Headquarters.

During the ceremony were signed agreements for investments in Brazil in the areas of transports and infrastructure of transports construction;

Ipanema`s mission for the City of Wuhan, Hubei province. During this impressive ceremony held at Hubei Province Government Hall, were signed several agreements for International Cooperation;

Ipanemas`s mission for Beijing`s International automotive fair for signature of agreements in the automotive area;

Ipanema`s mission to Shanghai International Automotive Fair for agreements signature for investments in Brazil;

Ipanema`s mission for the signature of international cooperation agreements to secure investmentes in Brazil.

Ipanema`s mission for the cities of Shanguai and Beinjing for signature of agreements in the energy, oil & gas, transports, railway and steel areas.

Meeting with the China Railway Materials Chairman. CRM as know, is one of the biggest steel and railways companies of the world;

Ipanema`s mission to Beijing for discussions with large chinese conglomerates to invest and export to Brazil in the areas of steel and railway.

With honor were hosted at the Brazilian Embassy by former Ambassador Mr. Clodoaldo Hugueney (In memorian).

Mission to Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shiyan for development of international cooperations with large chinese conglomerates.

Honor received by Ipanema at Wuhan Iron and Steel Company, one of biggest steel producers of China;

Ipanema hosts China Railway Material Executives in Brazil. During the encounter were discussed investment in the country;


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Botafogo Beach, N. 228, Argentina Building, 16th floor, Wing A, Suit 1601, Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil - Zip Code 22250-040



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We introduce in this link a broad and detailed study, with more than 2,000 projects required to develop the Brazilian transport matrix in all modes (road, rail, waterway and air, in addition to public urban transport).